Thursday, May 31, 2012

Marijke: nurse turned writer: The Pets We Loved

As I was wondering what to post about today, my eye fell on a cartoon I have printed out and taped to my desk wall. It has the image of St. Peter welcoming a new person to heaven- who looks to be in his 50s or 60s. Beside St. Peter is a very, very happy looking dog. The line below it says, "So, you're little Bobbie; well, Rex here has been going on and on about your for the past 50 years."

I love that comic and I also like the Rainbow Bridge poem. I like to believe that such a place exists, where our loved animals wait for us after they've died. I want to believe it because I loved my pets so much and the loss was so profound when they left this this earth.

Animals can play such a strong role in the mental and physical health of humans. They bring comfort to people who are ill and/or who are dying. They are companion animals who help humans live a fuller life.

Pets can help lower blood pressure (as long as they're not destroying the furniture in the home!) and help ease the pain of anxiety and depression. A pet loves you for you. Not what you do, not who you are, but you.

For a while, I was a volunteer dog walker at the Montreal SPCA. I loved it. The dogs were so happy to get out and walk about. I got my exercise and I got to feel like I was doing something important. Some of these dogs were very sad cases, from sad backgrounds. Others were victims of circumstances beyond anyone's control. But for a few minutes, while I walked them, I could give them the love and attention that they needed and I got something back that doesn't even have a name. It was just "something."

Not everyone loves animals and pets. Some pet lovers say that this is the sign of someone that they couldn't be with. But I don't think it's so black and white. I think that as long as the person is kind and would never hurt an animal, either by doing something or not doing something, then whether they would love to have a pet isn't important. What is important is their respect for the animal's life and well being.

I live with and love someone like that. He doesn't care to have pets in the house. But when we did, he did everything that ever needed to be done to be sure that they were happy, safe, and healthy. And when the time came that they had to leave us, he mourned them as well.

Rox was our golden retriever, my heart dog. We all loved him so much. He came to us when he was two years old - his family was "getting rid of him." What a wonderful dog he was. He left us way, way too soon, at the age of 7, from advanced stomach cancer. I still hear him, I still feel him. His soul will always be with us.

Oscar was my first greyhound. He came to us, also at two years old, straight off a racetrack in Massachusetts. He wasn't a successful racer, but he was a successful couch potato. He was so special. I?wrote a book about him after he was taken from us all too early, at the age of five. Also from cancer.

Oscar was followed by Dee. She was a nine-year-old greyhound who had been a brood mom. She had never really lived in a home. She lived with us for nine months and 17 days before she died. Not that I was counting.

No dogs followed these three. I would love to have another one. But as much as I do want another dog, part of me - a small part - kind of appreciates that my husband doesn't. Because I don't know if I can lose another one. I've lost dogs and cats as a child and then these three, along with a number of guinea pigs. It just hurts so much. I know that this pain appears because we love them so much, because they give us so much joy - but sometimes, the memory of the pain makes me wonder if I could ever do that again.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...?

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

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(Another Expenses Gates in the producing? )

I had never thought that wise to pay these $5000 whatever internet marketing secret they may have. Probably I have been a fool. Or can be not really.

However , what I can tell you is the fact that, ultimately, I have discovered a guy who not simply talks the speak, but has strolled the walk and made 100 million dollars cash as proof he knows what he?s dealing with.

The other proof do you require?

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Think about you?

To demonstrate to you the capability and the professional of this marketing oplagt, the blogger, VJ, the creator of this top business marketing and advertising ?secret?, the following is an excerpt associated with his letter at the website, in his own text:

?No issue how hard I attempted, it always appeared like I wasn?t going to amount to anything real important is obviously. And also this really sucked since I had a love for the better things. I wanted the gold Rolex, the nice looking overall Mercedes, as well as the Million-Dollar Mega Estate!

But when I looked inside the mirror, I just didn?t like what I saw. I was convinced the best life I wanted was merely a dream.

But that was all about to improve. Seriously- once I used to be 19, We had a brand-new Corvette. At 30, I had 2 brand-new Mercedes Benz cars. And at 21, I was the particular proud owner of an Rolls Royce Magical Spur!

By the time I switched 28? I just made over $100 Trillion in revenues. My spouse and i profited over $50 Trillion. I owned 2 homes- one of them was fourteen, 000 square feet and had the seven-car garage, a billiards room as well as a resort-style pool by having an underwater bar council! And I paid out cash for home use!

Within my garage, I had fashioned a red Lamborghini Diablo, the yellow Ferrari 360 Index, a white Bentley Arnage Red Tag, about 4 Mercedes, and a 12-passenger Lincoln Village Car Fango!

My checking account had over $10 Million within it. I got making $400, 000 in pay every few days. That fights in order to $80, 000 every day? or $10, 000 an hour or so! And the ones figures were basically worked 5 times a week for 6 hours every day, which I failed to!

Back in 2004 2002, My spouse and i made more money compared to the CEOs of Federal government Specific? eBay? Amazon online. net? Time Warner? Apple company Pc? McDonalds? Microsof company? Nike pas cher? Yahoo? Kia Motor Enterprise? Common Engines? as well as Goodyear Tire- BLENDED!


Within the May 12th, 2003 matter, Forbes Magazine shown their top paid five-hundred CEOs in the us. Of the prominent and famous list of the five hundred CEOs, I built more money than 483 of those.

$17, 549, 000 MORE than the CEO associated with Starbucks.

$13, 030, 000 MORE than the CEO associated with Target.

$17, 240, 000 More than CEO regarding Motorola.

Today, this may many seem like I?m several rich (&zxc$3@) bragging about how exactly rich I will be? and you?re partly right. I am boasting! But more significantly, the main reason whiy I?m telling you about all of this is the course is around getting rich in a short time. When the talk of indecent money makes you really feel uncomfortable, or maybe even angers you actually, maybe you tend not to actually want to be wealthy.

The reason why I?m hinting about lots of the toys I had formed when I appeared to be just 28, is to prove to a person that if someone like me? with a learning impairment? an undesirable youth? and no formal education are able to get filthy rich by the time I used to be twenty eight? you could absolutely follow during my footsteps and make yourself your very own empire associated with wealth! inch Even Gary Halbert says, inches?? surprisingly, a lot of this information can be so electrifying; it was unknown even to me. inches Gary Halbert can be recognized around the world simply because America?s numero uno promoting authority.

What if Gary Halbert admitting on paper that VJ?s book and marketing power secrets are electrifying to the dog?

I need definitely not say much more.

So , if you?re sick and tired of having websites that are not making any money or tired of making nickels along with dimes and sick and tired of all the lousy promotional secrets with the so called world wide web gurus (that avoid work), and most likely finally ready to start a new tea leaf and get interested in creating real riches from whatever products, programs or expertise you currently marketplace, may be you should consider finding out read more about VJ?s super mystery business marketing publication.

From this unique powerful organization marketing guide, VJ is very kind to reveal so many active business marketing secrets he used (never before shown in a book): the items he sold to make 100 mil dollars in 2 yrs, how they promoted it, if he promoted and also the best way to duplicate his success.

Do you wish to know the exact business advertising and marketing ?secrets? for you to find thousands and even millions of potential buyers for your products?

Do you wish to get your paws in the exact business advertising and marketing ?secrets? approach market any product to thousands and in many cases lots of people who actually need all of them?

Will you love to certainly be a millionaire, the simplest way?

In case you answer sure, rejoice for the reason that VJ?s book comes with the ultimate business advertising and marketing ?secret?. (


Once you learn the business marketing ?secret? on how to locate thousands and in many cases millions of people who are hungry and parched for your products, you will get vast amounts easily and have rich, such as VJ!

Please feel free to backup and use this write-up at your web site, e-zine or email-based it to your pals and please retain the author?s resource box below.

Thanks a lot.


Ikey Benney, CEO

Tags: The event, marketing techniques, organization ma, best way, website marketing

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Monday, May 28, 2012

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Tensions ran high at a basketball game in China on Friday, and things escalated rather quickly. An American team ? apparently called the New Orleans Hurricanes ? travled to the Jiaxing, Zhejiang province of China to take on a team called ? ? Sports News ? Red?

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Facebook market makers' losses total at least $100 million

(Reuters) - Claims by four of Wall Street's main market makers against Nasdaq over Facebook's botched IPO are likely to exceed $100 million, as they and other traders continue to deal with thousands of problems with customer orders.

A technical glitch delayed the social networking company's market debut by 30 minutes on Friday and many client orders were delayed, giving some investors and traders significant losses as the stock price dropped. The exchange operator is facing lawsuits from investors and threats of legal action from brokers.

Four of the top market makers in the Facebook IPO -- Knight Capital, Citadel Securities, UBS AG and Citi's Automated Trading Desk -- collectively have probably lost more than $100 million from problems arising from the deal, said a senior executive at one of the firms.

Knight and Citadel are each claiming losses of $30 million to $35 million, potentially overwhelming a $13 million fund the exchange set up to deal with potential claims.

Nasdaq also has to contend with the outside prospect that it could lose the Facebook listing entirely after having just obtained it.

Facebook shares ended regular trading on Thursday up 3.2 percent at $33.03, about $5 short of their offering price. Action on the stock, however, has essentially become secondary to the fallout from the IPO -- its price, its size, its execution and questions about selective disclosure of its financial prospects.

Regulators including the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin are now looking into how the IPO was handled. The U.S. Senate Banking Committee is also reviewing the matter.


Advisers familiar with the situation said many investors are now finding out, nearly a week after the fact, that their orders were not executed at the prices they thought.

Fidelity, in a statement, said it was working with regulators and market makers on its clients' issues "and we will continue to do so until we are confident that Nasdaq has done everything it can to mitigate the impact to our customers."

Morgan Stanley is also still tending to trade orders placed by brokerage customers on Friday, two people familiar with the situation said. Nasdaq has said all orders were returned by 1:50 p.m. EDT last Friday, but a Morgan Stanley Smith Barney source said it did not get trade information in a "systemic, orderly way.

Late Thursday, the company held a call with its brokers and told them adjustments would be made to thousands of trades so that no limit orders would be filled at more than $43 a share for stock from the IPO day, a person familiar with the call said.

While brokerages may have received confirmation of trades made on Friday, many were still handling customer disputes over what price they received on the trades, officials said.

The question is "who is going to eat the cost" of compensating those investors, said Alan Haft, a financial adviser with California-based Kings Point Capital LLC, which has $200 million in assets.

One prominent plaintiffs lawyer said what happened with Facebook was reminiscent of the dot-com bubble.

"This is just another spin on the same game of unfair treatment of individual investors," said Stanley Bernstein of Bernstein Liebhard. He chaired the plaintiffs' committee in an IPO class-action suit challenging the role of investment banks in more than 300 IPOs between 1998 and 2000. The litigation ended in a $586 million settlement in favor of the plaintiffs.


The claims by market makers Knight and Citadel could end up dwarfing some of the brokerage issues, though.

"They are certainly facing the specter of some significant lawsuits if this pool is not enough," a source familiar with Knight's situation said of the Nasdaq claims pool.

Citadel has sent its losses to Nasdaq for potential compensation, a source familiar with the matter said. Citadel's hedge fund was not affected.

The head of trading at Instinet said it still had no idea when Nasdaq would respond to requests for accommodation -- essentially, compensation for the order problems -- or if those requests would be honored.

"Were gonna be looking at a loss on our books" if Nasdaq does not honor the requests, Mark Turner said. "We basically made most of our clients whole because Nasdaq told us to go through the process and file for accommodation. If Nasdaq does not accommodate us we're going to end up taking a loss."

"I don't know that I want to put a dollar amount on that but it's not nearly as significant as Knight's ($30-$35 million)," he said.

Citadel and Knight, as market makers to the Nasdaq, honor their clients' buy, sell and cancellation orders. The orders are supposed to be processed by the exchange within milliseconds, but there was a nearly two-hour delay in processing Facebook orders at the Nasdaq.

During that time, market makers had no idea where their orders stood. And in reality, the price clients bought or sold at was sometimes different than the price they actually got.

For example, Facebook shares began trading with an opening cross price - the first price at which those not in on the IPO could buy or sell - of $42 per share. If an order to sell 10,000 shares at $42 went in at that time, but wasn't filled until later in the day when shares were trading at around $39, a market maker like Citadel or Knight would make up the difference - in this case, at a cost of $30,000.


Several analysts who cover exchanges said Nasdaq's legal liability should be limited, though. According to the analysts, securities rules give Nasdaq wide discretion in determining what, if any, compensation it should pay to customers who claim that they suffered losses due to trading execution.

Under exchange rules, Nasdaq's liability regarding client losses from certain trading issues is limited to $3 million a month. Market makers will be arguing that Nasdaq was so grossly negligent that its actions during the IPO opening override the limits, said a source with knowledge of Knight's situation.

Other firms said they did not have similar problems to those of Knight, raising questions about the scope of the losses.

"The problems were where people were trying to cancel orders; we didn't have that," said Peter Boockvar, equity strategist at Miller Tabak & Co in New York. "Because we didn't have a problem doesn't mean there weren't problems."

E*Trade Financial Corp said its market making operations realized losses of "well under a million dollars."

Charles Schwab Corp had a "small number" of the "tens of thousands of clients" who traded Facebook whose issues still have not been resolved, a spokesman said. "Each one requires some analysis to resolve, which can be time consuming."

Shares of Nasdaq fell 1 cent to $21.80 on Thursday. As of Thursday's close the stock was down 5.2 percent from its last close before the Facebook debacle. Over the same period NYSE Euronext is down just 0.1 percent.

The slide in the shares is adding to the pressure on Nasdaq Chief Executive Robert Greifeld, who defended the exchange's performance at its annual meeting last Tuesday.

(Additional reporting by Jed Horowitz, Erin Geiger Smith, David Randall, Edward Krudy, Suzanne Barlyn and Jonathan Stempel in New York, Tim McLaughlin in Boston, Dan Levine in San Francisco and Ashutosh Pandey in Bangalore; Writing by Ben Berkowitz in Boston; Editng by Steve Orlofsky)

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Selection is the second element | Honest Reviews Online

In the world of computer programming, structured programming is a logical construct that allows for the efficient operation of a program. With this in mind, many programmers understand structured programming as being one of the disciplines that make up the overall process of procedural programming. One of the advantages to the implementation of a structured model of programming is the ability to either eliminate or at least reduce the necessity of employing the GOTO statement.

The essential composition of any type of structured programming tends to include three basic elements. Concatenation is the element that has to do with the logical sequence of the statements that make up the basics for the order to be executed. Each step in the sequence must logically progress to the following step without invoking any undesirable activities.

Selection is the second element included in a process of structural programming. Essentially, this step allows for the selection of any one of a number of statements to execute, based on the current status of the program. Generally, the selection statements will contain keywords that help to identify the order as a logical executable, such as ?if,? ?then,? ?endif,? or ?switch.

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San Antonio Mayor Juli?n Castro fires back at Charles Barkley (Video)

If you?re a regular viewer of ?Inside the NBA,? you should know all about Charles Barkley?s outspoken dislike for the Spurs? hometown. San Antonio has frequently been a target of ridicule by Barkley, who has done everything from cracking jokes about the Alamo to calling the San Antonio River a ?dirty little creek? to even taking shots at the city?s women (?they ain?t got no skinny women down there?).

So, needless to say, it should be fun to see the reaction Chuck gets from Spurs fans when he and the rest of the ?Inside? fellas start filming on location in the city for the Western Conference Finals beginning on Sunday. With that in mind, San Antonio Mayor Juli?n Castro has already gotten a head start on the Chuck bashing. And, thankfully, for all our pleasure, he did so publicly on YouTube:

Shots fired! This can only lead to an appearance by Castro ? hopefully flanked by two of San Antonio?s top babes ? on the set of ?Inside? when the guys are taping at the AT&T Center, right?

H/T Eye on Basketball

About Sawley Vickrey:
Sawley Vickrey is a University of Oregon journalism graduate and the creator of The Daily Rival. You can follow him on Twitter @sawley_.
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Toronto -- "Keep in mind that choosing a pest professional is a health and safety decision. The value of the service should outweigh all other factors," advises Missy Henriksen, vice president of public affairs for the National Pest Management Association. No one knows the value of effective commercial pest control better than Daniel Mackie and the professionals at GreenLeaf Pest Control of Toronto and Bradford, Ontario. Recognized as leaders in their industry, Mackie and GreenLeaf are featured in recent editions of two prestigious online publications: Lowe's for Pros and Hotelier Magazine.Com.

As technical services director for GreenLeaf Pest Control, Mackie knows that failure to eliminate and control pests can cost businesses plenty to repair the damage that pests cause. Even more costly is the injury to the business' reputation and the loss of their customers' trust. Whether it is an apartment complex overrun with cockroaches or bed bugs in a four-star hotel room, pest control should be a top priority for every level of management.

Take bed bugs, for example. Hotelier magazine points out that the "subject of bed bugs elicits such a strong emotional response from hoteliers that most would rather not talk about the subject at all." But talk they must. As Daniel Mackie says, " . . . there is probably nothing in our industry today as important as bed bugs." Controlling bed bugs has become a fact of life for the hotel industry.

Pest control may be a necessity, but prevention is the best policy. Lowe's for Pros and GreenLeaf recommend an integrated pest management plan (IPM) that considers factors beyond eradication and looks at the whole pest picture--where pests are coming from, why they have taken up residence in the building, and what needs to happen to keep them out. GreenLeaf uses IPM procedures to determine when to control pests and whether to use mechanical, physical, chemical, cultural, or biological means. Every GreenLeaf service is designed to be environmentally sound with the least possible hazard to humans, property, and the environment.

About GreenLeaf Pest Control: GreenLeaf Pest Control specializes in environmentally friendly pest control in Toronto. Their mission is to provide an effective, proactive program that is preventive in approach and uses Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and their very own Environmental Pest Management (EPM) solutions. To contact GreenLeaf Pest Control, call 416.998.9473, email, or visit

About Hotelier Magazine: As Canada's leading hotel publication, Hotelier magazine serves as the authoritative voice of Canada's dynamic and competitive $18 billion hotel industry. Owned and operated by Kostuch Media Ltd., Hotelier is published eight times a year and reaches an audience of more than 45,000 readers.

About Lowe's for Pros: As part of their commitment and ongoing partnership with their commercial customers, Lowe's provides industry professionals with expert advice on the latest products and services, how to improve efficiency on the job site, how to manage their business, and how to capitalize on market trends.

Contact Information:

GreenLeaf Pest Control

Sandy Costa

2 Toronto St., Suite 246

Toronto, ON

M5C 2B5


About the Submitter
About Hotelier Magazine: As Canada's leading hotel publication, Hotelier magazine serves as the authoritative voice of Canada's dynamic and competitive $18 billion hotel industry.

Sandy Costa
More Details about GreenLeaf Pest Control here.

GreenLeaf Pest Control

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Food and the Fabulous ? Bacon and Broccoli Chilli Pasta ? Budget ...

Bacon and Broccoli Chilli Pasta ? Budget Meals for Woolworths MasterChef SA Week 10

Budget isn?t the most exciting word. In fact it can be quite depressing and brings to mind all kinds of limits. And Angela Merkel. Yes, far from exciting. However, all of us have to reign in the spending and the world is experiencing one of the most severe economic crises of our time. I am currently in Europe and having just spoken to a range of people in Athens, it brings home more than ever, the severity of the?situation?felt by people all over.

When Woolworths gave me the challenge of preparing a meal for four for R150, a ?budget? meal, I knew three things should into play so that the eater (and the cook) would not feel deprived in any way:

1. Flavour. ?For the main meal I used pasta which is usually a?cupboard?staple and bacon which affords lots of flavour even if you use a little of it. Onions are browned to add depth and chilli gives you a satisfying spice-injection. Broccoli isn?t just nutritious, it also adds some crunchy texture.

2. Easily available ingredients. Everything for this meal should be available at your local supermarket. The worst thing when considering the pennies is to have to go from shop to market to deli to find the ingredients for supper. The instinct then is to opt for cheap, non- nutritious take outs. Leave the leisurely food shopping for when the wallet and the clock allows. I assumed that the cook in this instance is preparing a meal on a busy week day, so I created a quick, easy but nutritious meal.

3. A treat. Even though you?ve had to carefully consider the spend, you can still serve a?refreshing?drink (home made iced tea in this case) as well as dessert. What?s not to love about that?

Cooks Notes

I have assumed that reader would have salt, sugar and vegetable stock liquid or cubes in the grocery cupboard as well as a lemon and an egg in the fridge.

If you prefer, substitute the bacon with a chicken breast or piece of steak pan fried and cut into very thin strips.

If you prefer a vegetarian option, use one large aubergine, cut into slices and pan griddled instead of the bacon.

On a day that you have more time, buy one pack of beef or ostrich mince instead of bacon (relatively same price as the dry cured bacon I purchased) and brown with the onions and slow cook with the tomato, adding water as needed for a bolognaise sauce. Leave out the?broccoli?or add a can of barlotti or red kidney beans towards the end of cooking to bulk the dish up.


Bacon and Broccoli Chilli Pasta

Serves 4-6

Preparation time: 5 min, Cooking time: 25 minutes


500 g penne pasta,?prepared?according to package instructions *

1 pack dry cured bacon

1 medium onion, finely diced

10 ml vegetable oil

300 g broccoli florets

200 ml vegetable stock

1 red chilli, finely chopped

2 x 400g cans chopped, peeled tomatoes

1/2 t sugar

salt, to taste


Chop the bacon into bite sized pieces, dab dry with kitchen paper towels and fry in an extra wide pan on high heat until it crisps. If you use a teflon coated pan you do not need to use oil. Remove and set aside.

Turn heat down to medium and add oil to same pan. Fry onion until it softens. Allow to brown very slightly ? this will add to the flavour of the dish.

Add broccoli to the pan (this is where using a wide pan comes in handy ? all cooking done in one vessel!). Add salt and fry for 5 minutes, turning.

Add stock to pan and cook for a further 5 minutes. ?Add chillis and stir.

Empty cans of tomato in and mix well. Add sugar and adjust seasoning. Cook for 3- 4 minutes. Add a little water of sauce is too thick.

Add?crispy?bacon to tomato sauce and serve over bowls of just cooked pasta.

* making your own pasta is inexpensive and the taste of fresh pasta is incomparable.

View the post on Woolie?s site here:?

Refreshing Iced Tea

Makes 6 glasses


5 rooibos or tea bags of your choice

500 ml hot water

1 l apple juice

1 lemon, cut into slices


Steep tea bags in hot water in a tap pot or heat proof bowl. Allow water to cool. Remove bags.

Add tea to apple juice in a large jug and chill in the fridge.

Adjust sweetness if preferred.

Serve over ice with slices of lemon

Easy Fig Puff Pastry Squares

makes 8-10 mini pastries


1 egg yolk

1 x roll regular puff pastry

1 punnet figs, each sliced in three



Preheat oven to 200 ? C.?Grease a baking tray.

Use a fork to mix egg yolk in a bowl.

Unroll the puff pastry on a smooth surface. Cut into squares or rectangles ? size of your choice.

Reserve pastry some to cut into 1 cm strips to add borders to each?square.

Place on tray and leave in fridge for 5 minutes to chill.

Remove and brush pastry with egg yolk.

Add slices of fig to each square. Bake for 10 minutes at 200 ?C.

Lower heat to 180 ? C?and?bake for 15 minutes or until cooked?through.

Cool on wire rack. I prefer to serve these warm with some whipped cream or vanilla ice cream if you have.

This post forms part of the series of recipes I am preparing for Woolworths, the food sponsor for MasterChef SA. It is a Food and the Fabulous Endorsed project and I will be remunerated for it

Labels// bacon. chilli. pasta, budget, figs, masterc, puff pastry, Woolworths pantry

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The Best Nutrition And Health Tips Online

Great nutrition is an essential part of making better lifestyle choices. The fact is that if your food is not nutritionally dense, your mind will be clouded and you will feel lousy. Eating well is not only easier than ever, but an exciting adventure all on its own. This article will outline a few steps you can take as you seek out good health!Plan menus a week in advance. This gives you the chance to make sure you have well-balanced meals. If you lack something one day you can purposefully add extra into the following day. Having a plan also cuts down on quick, and usually bad decisions such as fast food and take-out meals.When considering your nutrition intake at a fast food restaurant, what may seem like the lesser of two evils may not always be the healthiest. Chicken often times ends up having more sodium and calories than a burger due to toppings such as ranch and additions such as bacon. If you feel as though you must satisfy a fast food craving, be sure to check the nutrition chart first.Even if you are treating yourself to a restaurant meal there is still no reason for you to go overboard with the amount of fat and calories you consume. Restaurants are notorious for giving out large portions, so you should eat half your entree and save the other half for the following day.One of the easiest ways to make sure that you that you are getting only the most nutritious foods and beverages is to ensure that these healthy items are always on hand. Protein bars can easily be stashed in a purse, glove box, or desk drawer. If tasty and healthy snacks are within your grasp, chances are you will be more likely to reach for these treats rather than leaving your office for a salty snack from the vending machines or through the drive-thru of a fast food restaurant.If you are serious about your nutrition, you can make a difference in your quality of life very easily. This is a great way of enhancing your performance every day, without the use of chemicals or additional prescriptions. Better yet, it encourages your creativity. Let this article inspire you ? start eating better today!


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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Spinach and 11 Vegetables Soup Recipe - Arabic Food Recipes

The Arabic Food Recipes kitchen (The Home of Delicious Arabic Food Recipes) invites you to try Spinach and 11 Vegetables Soup Recipe. Enjoy the Arabic Cuisine and? learn how to make Spinach and 11 Vegetables Soup.

Serves: 5 persons
Difficulty: Easy
Cost: Cheap

Preparation time : ??? 10 minutes
Cooking time : ??? 15 minutes


? tablespoon butter

3 cloves garlic, cut into thin slices

1 medium tomato or 150 g, peeled and chopped

1 sachet MAGGI? 11 Vegetables Soup

? cup frozen spinach or 100 g, thawed and chopped

4? cups water or 1125 ml


Melt butter in a saucepan, add and cook garlic over medium heat for 2 minutes.

Add tomato, MAGGI? 11 Vegetables Soup , spinach and water. Bring to boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

Season with black pepper and serve.

Nutritional Information:

Energy : ??? 57.00 Kcal
Protein : ??? 1.90 g
Carbohydrate : ??? 9.60 g
Fats : ??? 1.60 g

From Nestle Family
More Arabic Food Recipes:??

Harira: Moroccan Chickpea Stew with Chicken and Lentils
Cream of Mushroom Soup
Lentil Soup with Spinach and Wheat
Herbs and Grains?
Lebanese Lentil Soup
Baba ghanoush

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Chinese activist on flight to U.S.

Blind dissident Chen Guangcheng and his immediate family have left China on a flight to the United States. They are expected to arrive in Newark, N.J., Saturday evening.

Their departure caps off three weeks of roller coaster diplomacy that reached the very highest levels of Chinese government and the White House.

The human rights activist is best known for his fight against forced abortions and sterilisations under the One Child Policy.

He served a four year prison sentence for what are widely believed to have been trumped up charges before being placed under a brutal, extra-judicial house arrest in his hometown province of Shandong.

Several media outlets, as well as human rights supporters in the U.S., cited late May as a potential departure date if all rules for passport applications were strictly adhered to.

But on Saturday, social media reports surfaced that said Chen had left the hospital. By midday, Chen spoke to the AFP and the Associated Press to say he was at the airport with his family and while he had no details, he believed they would be leaving that day.

State Dept Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland confirmed that Chen and his family left China so he can pursue studies at an American university.

"We are looking forward to his arrival in the United States later today. We also express our appreciation for the manner in which we were able to resolve this matter and to support Mr. Chen's desire to study in the U.S. and pursue his goals," Nuland said.

His departure is in some ways bittersweet. His supporters by and large agree the only way he will be truly safe is outside China.

But for Chen, and dissidents before him, leaving is a compromise; he may be safer but he is also farther away from his cause.

Daring Escape Attempt On April 22, Chen made a daring and highly risky escape with the assistance of his wife.

After several days in hiding, after a car chase and near arrest by Beijing authorities, he sought refuge at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing on Friday, April 27.

U. S. Officials were then tasked with an unusual request from a known dissident in any country: Chen wanted to remain in China with guarantees of safety and the freedom to continue his work.

Unlike the more straightforward process of securing asylum, U.S. officials embarked on an effort to strike an unprecedented deal with the Chinese that would satisfy all sides.

Soon after Secretary of State Hilary Clinton arrived in Beijing to attend a previously scheduled economic conference, the US announced a deal. The plan was for Chen to be released to a local hospital and, after receiving medical treatment, move to Tianjin, a city just outside Beijing where he would be able to pursue his legal studies. According to the US, the Chinese agreed to offer assurances of Chen's safety as well as investigate the past abuses committed against him.

Chen entered the hospital on Wednesday May 2. But within hours he changed his mind and the deal fell apart.

In numerous interviews over the phone with various media outlets, and in reports published online by his supporters, Chen said that he had misjudged the reality of living freely under Chinese rule.

He said he no longer felt that the safety of him or his family could ever be truly guaranteed. For that reason he wanted to leave China.

That sent U.S. officials into a tense period of re-negotiation while garnering international criticism for mishandling the case.

All the while, Secretary Clinton was in Beijing attending meetings with Chinese officials and participating in negotiations on Chen's future behind the scenes.

The drama reached a high point when Chen made a public plea to be allowed to fly on Secretary Clinton's plane when she left China. He also phoned into Washington to offer congressional testimony on his plight.

But whether China, which up until that point had not even acknowledged Chen's escape (or, for that matter, that he had been abused under house arrest) would even consider allowing him to leave was unclear. In China, saving face is critical. For the government to continue to play along, when Chen had so radically changed the chess board, it would require a rare willingness to be seen as diplomatically flexible.

But, just hours before Secretary Clinton was scheduled to leave Beijing a second deal was reached.

The Chinese announced that Chen would be permitted to obtain a student visa that would allow him to go abroad. The U.S. promptly announced that he and his family would be given the appropriate visas without delay and confirmed that New York University had extended him an invitation to be a visiting scholar.

The Chen family would need to be issued Chinese passports to travel, a process that would take time. On Saturday, Secretary Clinton left China without them.

In large degree the ball was now in the Chinese government's court.

As they waited, Chen continued to speak to the press. He voiced his outrage that his nephew, Chen Kegui, had been arrested and charged with attempted homicide.

Chen says he was acting in self-defense after local authorities attacked his house following Chen's escape. Chen said he had been in regular contact with US.. officials, and he praised their efforts to help him. But he also expressed frustration that the process was taking so long. Bittersweet Departure

Recently, the Texas-based activist Bob Fu of ChinaAid has demonstrated that it is possible to protest from afar and make a different sort of impact. Whether Chen can do the same will be seen in New York, where he has said he will continue to study human rights law.

Chen Guangcheng leaves the country that sought to silence him. He also leaves his mother, older brother, nephew and others; friends and family he may never see again. In some ways it was his choice; in others it wasn't .

What is clear is this: today, his new life begins.

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