Thursday, October 25, 2012

Crude Oil Technical Outlook 10/24

US OIL closed lower on Tuesday and the lowrange close sets the stage for a steady to lower opening when Wednesday's night session begins. Stochastics and the RSI are bearish signalling that sideways to lower prices are possible nearterm. If it extends the decline off September's high, the 75% retracement level of the JuneSeptember rally crossing is the next downside target. Closes above last Friday's high crossing would confirm that a shortterm low has been posted.

Copyright HY Markets All rights reserved.


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Motion Graphics Artist | Motionographer Jobs

Job Description

Freelance Motion Designer needed for ongoing projects. We are a busy design house with lots of projects in the pipeline.

You are fast and detail oriented, have a great sense of motion and layout. Your projects are clean and organized. You have a flair for type animation. And you do a great job on QC.

Ideally you would be in the Bay Area, but we can be flexible for the right fit.

How to Apply

Send a link to your reel, a resume, and your day or hourly rate.*

*If you don?t have a day rate (maybe you?re just starting out) give a range, or an explanation. We need to see some kind of rate information to contact you.

Job Categories: Motion Design. Job Types: Freelance. Job expires in 28 days.

671?total views, 27?today


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Verizon Holds $49 Galaxy Nexus Sale Before New Model Unveiled

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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

LA Nears Ban on Sale of Kitten and Puppy Mill Pets ... - Life With Cats

After a 12-2 vote today by the Los Angleles City Council, LA is poised to become the largest US city to ban the sale of commercially bred pets. Because the vote to ban the sale of cats, dogs and rabbits purchased by pet stores from commercial breeders was not unanimous, a second vote on the ordinance, which only needs a simple majority, will be held next week.

The proposed ban is meant to diminish the market for kitten and puppy mill pets and, at the same time, encourage shops to carry adoptable pets from shelters, thus saving thousands of lives every year. Under the proposed law, pet stores will be able to obtain animals from the city?s animal shelters or from humane societies registered with the city?s Department of Animal Services. Individuals will be allowed to purchase pets directly from breeders.

The penalty for a first time violation of the ban would be $250, with the fine going up to $1,000 for a third strike. Some pet shop owners are opposed to the ban and claim it will hamper their ability to make money.

The proposed law is sponsored by City Councilman Paul Koretz, a friend to animals who includes a message to adopt and a link to the city?s department of animal services at his official webpage. The two no votes today came from Councilmen Mitchell Englander and Bill Rosendahl. Englander said the ordinance will be costly to enforce and bad for business and the local economy. Englander withdrew support when Koretz declined to remove rabbits from the list of pets affected.



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The Warmth of the North Face Women's Down Jacket - PDF

The Warmth of the North Face Women's Down Jacket

Obtaining Moncler Jackets on-line is north face outlet a fairly simple task is a truth that you
could realize if you examine the pulse of the modern day youth who are so crazy about
wearing chic outfits, jackets and outfits that are in vogue.

Just take out and use towels to pat it, then fluff it delicately to keep away from balling up and
distribute all around similarly. The next step is dependent on your choice. For illustration,
consider to air dry the down jackets by laying it out on the towel and then turn around each
and every 30 minutes. Or attempt the temporary dry with reduced temperature air for about
ten-15 minutes. Eventually, take it out after more and fluff it to pass on it equally. More
considerably, if you are certain your down jacket is dry sufficient, you must fluff yet again and
hang in a completely airy location. Maintain the subsequent tips in your head, that is, by no
means wring out or wash and dry it roughly if you don't want to drop the condition and
insulating capacity of your down jackets.

Usually, plenty of people spends $100 more or considerably less on the large quality down
jacket. To make it worthy it, be confident that you clean it following the tips above and
performs it complete purpose in wintertime for significantly longer time.

Ounce for ounce there is practically nothing that insulates towards the cold very like goose
down. North Face understands this and has produced a line of women's down jackets that
help keep the chilly of out of doors winter season pursuits at bay. And with forty many years
of out of doors gear layout and testing encounter you know you are getting a quality
merchandise that is tough and will stand up to whatever you toss at it.

Now onto the a single merchandise that helps make The North Confront women's down
jacket such a toasty coat the down. Hungarian goose down is use exclusively in all their
down items and just before it can be utilised it should pass about three various checks. Loft,
dampness resistance, and capacity to get back loft after compression are all examined and
only the down that passes is utilized in a their down jackets.

Fill energy is the measure of the warmth-to-excess weight ratio and compressibility. These
two measures are what give goose down it wonderful insulating ability. To evaluate fill power
an ounce of down is put in a graduated cylinder and the volume of area it occupies is then
measured. Goose down in the 550 to 900 fill power array is what they are searching for to
use in all their down merchandise.

550 Fill Down has a higher excess weight-to-warmth ratio and is employed mainly as a light
fat insulator.

600 Fill Down is a very good insulator more than a great range of temperature ailments.

700 Fill Down is a light-weight insulator that works nicely in extreme cold conditions.

For the energetic outdoor lady who loves the wintertime months it is tough to defeat the
warmth, ease and comfort, and durability of a North Confront women's down jacket.


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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

If I asked you what?s on your mind, would you say UO? Would they be thoughts unkind? (Unqualified Offerings)

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Wartsila-Led Group to Build Tri-Fuel Power Plant ... - LNG World News

Wartsila-Led Group to Build Tri-Fuel Power Plant in Jordan

A consortium headed by W?rtsil? has been awarded a turnkey contract to build a 573 MW tri-fuel power plant in Jordan. When completed, it will be the world?s largest tri-fuel power plant capable of utilizing natural gas, heavy fuel oil and light fuel oil as its main fuels.

Initially, the plant will operate on heavy fuel oil, but the fuel flexibility of W?rtsil??s engine technology will enable a seamless transfer to environmentally sustainable natural gas operation once the infrastructure for a natural gas supply is in place.

Furthermore, when in operation, the W?rtsil? technology ensures that the plant?s use of water will be close to zero, which adds to its environmental sustainability. The overall contract is valued at USD 552 million, of which W?rtsil??s share is USD 334 million.

W?rtsil??s consortium partner is South Korean based Lotte Engineering & Construction, a major player in the Asian construction industry. The order has been placed by Amman Asia Electric Power, a special purpose independent power producer, in which W?rtsil? has a minority interest. The other owners of the company are Korea Electric Power Corporation of South Korea (KEPCO) and Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan.

The project company will supply electricity to the National Electric Power Company of Jordan (NEPCO) under a recently signed 25 year power purchase agreement. The electricity will be fed to the Jordanian national grid.

W?rtsil??s technology powering the plant

The plant will be powered by a total of 38 W?rtsil? 50DF multi-fuel engines, which in reference conditions produce 632 MW of electricity. Even in the most extreme ambient conditions in Jordan, the power plant will produce a firm constant capacity of 573 MW. The plant will be fitted with a NOx (nitrogen oxide) control system for emissions abatement. This is in line with the Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines set forth by the International Finance Corporation, the private sector lending arm of the World Bank Group, which have been adopted by Jordan?s Ministry of the Environment.

?KEPCO has worked together with W?rtsil? and Mitsubishi in an outstanding cooperation to ensure this project is a success. As the leading global supplier of flexible and efficient power plant solutions, W?rtsil? suggested this efficient multi-fuel combustion engine technology solution to meet the requirements of the proposal, which was the critical success factor in the bid. We also trust W?rtsil? to professionally and competently lead the EPC consortium for the successful completion of this major and important project,? states Mr Young Jin Bae, Chief Executive Officer of Amman Asia Electric Power Company.

?This is a landmark order for many reasons,? says Vesa Riihim?ki, Group Vice President, W?rtsil? Power Plants. ?The fact that a power plant of this size will utilize W?rtsil? combustion engines demonstrates how the superior efficiency and flexibility of the technology are being recognized on the markets.

?Furthermore, the tri-fuel capability provides unmatched flexibility, and ensures that Jordan will have a safe, affordable and reliable energy supply. When the gas infrastructure is in place, the plant will switch to natural gas and its environmental footprint will be minimised. Finally, our ability to deliver such a large power plant on a really fast-track schedule was yet another reason for choosing W?rtsil?.?

The power plant is to be located in Al Manakher, some 30 km outside Amman. The complete power facility will be delivered in three phases. The first phase is scheduled to be in commercial operation already in February 2014, with the entire plant being operable by September of that same year.

This will be the second power plant that W?rtsil? has delivered to Jordan. A 50 MW plant is already in use and is being operated and maintained by W?rtsil? personnel under an Operations & Maintenance agreement. Globally, W?rtsil? has delivered 4,600 power plants in 169 countries with a total generating capacity of close to 49 GW.

Smart Power Generation

Smart Power Generation enables transition to a modern, sustainable power system. Its main cornerstones are very high energy efficiency, outstanding operational flexibility, and multi-fuel operation. For today?s emerging low-carbon power systems, it balances large input fluctuations of wind and solar power. It also provides high efficiency base load, peaking, and load-following power, as well as super-fast grid reserves on a national power system level.

W?rtsil? is the global leader in Smart Power Generation. W?rtsil??s technology and power plant solutions have been developed to provide a unique combination of valuable features that enable new horizons for future sustainable, reliable and affordable national power systems.

LNG World News Staff, October 10, 2012; Image: W?rtsil


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Real Estate Value Is In The Eye Of The Beholder | Naples Best ...

Listing appointments are tough sledding these days. Home owners ? who may have diligently read along with the real estate news of the last few years ? may not have translated the local news to the value of their own property. ?In their eyes their property may be worth a lot more than what the market says.?We do not enjoy?advising our client their properrty is worth less than they are thought but agreeing to an overstate selling price helps no one.
It looks like we are not alone in this. Yesterday Florida Realtor reported (please see ?Many homeowners think their home is worth a lot more than it really is, according to HomeGain?s third quarter 2012 National Home Values Survey Results of 300 real estate agents. Seventy-seven percent of sellers say their home is worth more than their real estate agents? recommended selling price, according to a survey of real estate agents.?

One might say ?So What?? Well here is the so what. Overpriced homes sit on the market. Statistics show the online market will pass them by in four weeks or less ? and these online buyers will buy something else.

So who gets hurt? Well the seller primarily as subsequent price reductions may cause buyers to ?sharpen their knives? and negotiate much harder. Sellers my also miss a declining market and chase it down further, forgoing earlier and higher selling prices.

Realtors are also hurt. Why? Reputation. We have a few in town. When the listing goes in, eyebrows are raised and properties sell more slowly for that Realtor. Future listings become difficult as Realtors promising the moon are recognized and sometimes set aside. My grandfather use to say ?your reputation is speaking so loudly I cannot hear you.? You might think twice before becoming one of those Realtors with overstated selling prices.

So what do you do? Stand tough on listing appointment day. Show the seller the com parables and walk them through the logic. Then comes the tough part ? think about walking away if they do not agree. While you are at it on listing day set expectations for price reductions ? like when and how much you expect to write in as the market reacts to the property.
Tough stuff but sellers are best served with our best efforts at price estimation and price reductions.

Follow along with us on National And Naples Florida real estate and register at and subscribing to our YouTube channel at Contact us at 239.595.3921.

All the best
No legal, investment, or tax advice is being given in this Blog. ?Consult with legal, financial and tax professionals before acting on any real estate transaction. ?Actual real estate price and sales results are subject to market forces and are not completely predictable. The writings of this Blog are intended for the sole use of our clients.
Some of the data relating to real estate for sale on the website comes in part from the Broker reciprocity program of M.L.S. of Naples, Inc. The properties displayed here may not be all the properties available through the MLS reciprocity Program. This information is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. Buyers and sellers are responsible for verifying all information about their purchase prior to closing.
Mark Goebel, PA is a REALTOR with Coldwell Banker on 5th avenue in Naples, Florida with 35+ years of visiting and living in Naples. After 25 years at Accenture, Mark retired as a managing director and spends his time helping non profits and building a Naples real estate team with his wife Nan. Talk to Mark and Nan about life in Naples and why they chose this place to live full-time over all others and enjoy Naples real estate.
Mark Goebel, PA?REALTOR Coldwell Banker 5th Avenue South?Mobile: 239.595.3921? NaplesBestAddresses?Youtube

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Canadian small businesses put the brakes on spending over weak ...

TORONTO ? Mark Carney take note: Many Canadian small businesses continue to shy away from spending amid a weak domestic and global economy, even though many are confident they will be stronger in the next year.

A survey last week by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business showed that optimism among Canada?s small and medium-sized businesses increased in September for the first time since March, following five consecutive monthly declines. But despite the good news, small businesses remain hesitant to spend, and for good reason.

Economic uncertainty is having a giant impact on small and medium-sized firms, and absolutely, businesses are hesitant to spend

?Economic uncertainty is having a giant impact on small and medium-sized firms, and absolutely, businesses are hesitant to spend,? said Dan Kelly, president and CEO of CFIB. ?They may say I?d like to build that extra store, I may be able to put on this extra shift, or hire this extra person, but there is hesitancy to do that. That includes capital expenditures, operating expenditures, expansions, etc.?

Mr. Kelly was responding in part to the debate that broke out this summer over whether Canadian companies were hoarding cash.

The issue was triggered by comments by Mr. Carney, the Bank of Canada Governor, in August pointing out that businesses in Canada were sitting on a massive cash pile of $526-billion, based on first quarter data from National Balance Sheet Accounts, a publication put out by Statistics Canada.

Mr. Carney?s remarks were aimed at larger, publicly traded companies? he later made that clear referring specifically to public companies, urging them to do something with the cash, or give it to their shareholders.

But the recent data indicates that small businesses also are nervous about spending, even if it doesn?t necessarily suggest they?re hoarding cash.

?You could certainly say that small businesses may be particularly cautious at this time, given the economic uncertainty,? said Sonya Gulati, senior economist at TD Economics. ?They do play a part [in cash hoarding], but I wouldn?t necessarily know what their share would be because the data is not there at all.?

Few small businesses make public their earnings or how much cash they have on hand. As a result, economists say the best way to gauge whether small businesses are hanging on to cash is by way of confidence surveys.

Most surveys this year show that small businesses have lacked the confidence to spend. Ms. Gulati said that despite a slight boost in their outlook, the fact that both Canadian and global economic growth is predicted to be tame next year gives entrepreneurs little reason to be optimistic.

?The global slowdown is becoming more entrenched and broad-based,? she said. ?In this climate, it is unlikely that business confidence levels in Canada will accelerate over the near-term.?

If there are any positive signs, it?s that hiring intentions have seen a rebound. The September survey found that 18% of business owners expect to add full-time staff during the next three to four months. That?s up significantly from September of last year.

The economic uncertainty is making businesses wait a little bit, to see if there?s a calm in the storm, and if they see that, then they?ll likely move on spending

Mr. Kelly said that shows that while some businesses may be pessimistic, it hides the fact that many are thriving in the current environment ? and spending.

?Small businesses are optimistic by nature,? he said. ?On the one hand there are a lot of businesses that are saying, ?I?m just going to keep things the way they are at the moment and wait to see where things go.? But there are also lots of stories of businesses that are expanding, thinking this is a good opportunity to do just that.?

Ms. Gulati said there are likely also a lot of small businesses eager to spend cash, and will do so when economic data begins to show consistency ? whether it is strong job growth in Canada and the United States, or the end of worrisome headlines from Europe.

?The economic uncertainty is making businesses wait a little bit, to see if there?s a calm in the storm, and if they see that, then they?ll likely move on spending,? she said.


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Virginia Beach McDonald's adds free iPad use to its menu, McRib still seasonal

DNP McDonald's adds free iPad use to its menu, McRib still seasonal

In an age of grab and go eating, it seems somewhat odd that a fast food restaurant would feature an attraction that causes its patrons to drop anchor and stay. However, the house with well over one billion served is doing just that. A Virginia Beach McDonald's has leveraged the popularity of another Big Mac maker, by stocking its location with free to use iPads. Yes, the tablets are mounted on tables, but after polishing off a hearty array of Mcfixings, you're likely to be bolted to your seat as well. Franchise owner Hugh Fard got the idea while attending the annual worldwide McDonald's convention in Florida. While it's great to see major eateries incorporating the use of new technology, we can only wonder just how greasy shiny those fancy Retina displays will be after spending a day under the golden arches.

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China satellite industry to generate $286bn in ... - Advanced Television

Over the past five years, the Satellite Transmission Services industry in China has been growing at an annualised rate of 13.8 per cent and is set to generate $285.9 billion in 2012, according to IBISWorld. The industry has benefited from increasing demand for satellite television broadcasting and communications. The coverage of major sporting events, such as the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the Shanghai Asian Games, also had major effects on the industry?s performance.

The industry has a high level of market share concentration. Satellite transmission services are strictly regulated by the government so entry into the industry is difficult, and the largest state-owned enterprises, China Satcom, CCTV Satellite, SINO Satellite Communications Company and Beijing Marine Communication and Navigation Company, enjoy enduring oligopoly benefits.

As an emerging high-tech industry providing various communication services, satellite transmission service operators have great market potential. However, the industry has faced a strong substitution threat from optical wire-based transmission services in recent years, says IBISWorld. Optical wires or cables are less costly to deploy and maintain, and are capable of providing higher bandwidth.


In 2007, SINOSAT-3, ChinaSat-6B and ChinaSat-9 were launched in China, which greatly increased the industry?s capacity for television broadcasting and global positioning system (GPS) services. Satellite positioning and navigation services have become an important segment for the Satellite Transmission Services industry in China in the last two years as a result of inexpensive and domestically developed GPS devices.

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Alzheimer drug shows some promise in mild disease

FILE-In this Monday, Feb. 6, 2012, file photo, Alexis McKenzie, right, executive director of The Methodist Home of the District of Columbia Forest Side, an Alzheimer's assisted-living facility, puts her hand on the arm of resident Catherine Peake, in Washington. Combined results released, Monday, Oct. 8, 2012, from two studies of an experimental Alzheimer's drug under development by Eli Lilly & Co. called solanezumab, suggest that it might modestly slow mental decline, especially in patients with mild disease. Taken separately, the studies missed their main goals to significantly slow the mind-robbing disease. But pooled results found 34 percent less decline in mild Alzheimer's patients compared to those on a dummy treatment for 18 months. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

FILE-In this Monday, Feb. 6, 2012, file photo, Alexis McKenzie, right, executive director of The Methodist Home of the District of Columbia Forest Side, an Alzheimer's assisted-living facility, puts her hand on the arm of resident Catherine Peake, in Washington. Combined results released, Monday, Oct. 8, 2012, from two studies of an experimental Alzheimer's drug under development by Eli Lilly & Co. called solanezumab, suggest that it might modestly slow mental decline, especially in patients with mild disease. Taken separately, the studies missed their main goals to significantly slow the mind-robbing disease. But pooled results found 34 percent less decline in mild Alzheimer's patients compared to those on a dummy treatment for 18 months. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

FILE-In this Monday, Feb. 6, 2012, file photo, Alexis McKenzie, right, executive director of The Methodist Home of the District of Columbia Forest Side, an Alzheimer's assisted-living facility, laughs with resident Catherine Peake, in Washington. Combined results released, Monday, Oct. 8, 2012, from two studies of an experimental Alzheimer's drug under development by Eli Lilly & Co. called solanezumab, suggest that it might modestly slow mental decline, especially in patients with mild disease. Taken separately, the studies missed their main goals to significantly slow the mind-robbing disease. But pooled results found 34 percent less decline in mild Alzheimer's patients compared to those on a dummy treatment for 18 months. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

(AP) ? Combined results from two studies of an experimental Alzheimer's drug suggest it might modestly slow mental decline, especially in patients with mild disease.

Taken separately, the studies on the drug ? Eli Lilly & Co.'s solanezumab ? missed their main goals of significantly slowing the mind-robbing disease or improving activities of daily living. But pooled results found 34 percent less mental decline in mild Alzheimer's patients compared to those on a fake treatment for 18 months.

Doctors called the results encouraging although probably not good enough to win approval of the drug now, without another study to confirm there is a benefit. Investors were more enthused, driving Lilly's stock up about 5 percent on Monday and about 19 percent since August, when the company described the results in general terms.

Detailed results were revealed for the first time Monday at an American Neurological Association conference in Boston.

"It's certainly not the home run we all wanted, but we're very encouraged by these results," said Maria Carillo, chief science officer for the Alzheimer's Association, which had no role in the research.

Dr. Stephen Salloway, an Alzheimer's expert at Brown University, agreed.

"It's exciting to see that there may be clinical benefit," he said, but it is modest and may not make a difference in how well patients live ? what matters most to them and their families, he said.

About 35 million people worldwide have dementia, and Alzheimer's is the most common type. In the U.S., about 5 million have Alzheimer's. Current medicines such as Aricept and Namenda just temporarily ease symptoms. There is no known cure.

Solanezumab (sol-ah-NAYZ-uh-mab) is one of three drugs in late-stage testing that seek to alter the course of the disease. Results on one drug were disappointing, and results of the other won't be ready until early next year.

Solanezumab aims to bind to and help clear the sticky deposits that clog patients' brains. The two studies each had about 1,000 patients, about two-thirds with mild disease and one-third with moderately severe Alzheimer's, in 16 countries. Their average age was 75.

The main measures were two tests ? one reflecting language, memory and thinking and the other, ability to perform daily activities such as eating and grooming. The combined results on the mild disease patients showed a nearly 2-point difference in the roughly 90-point score on thinking abilities. Previous studies suggest that a change of 3 to 4 on the score is needed to show a clinical benefit, like an improvement in how well patients can take care of themselves.

"It's a small difference," Dr. Rachelle Doody of Baylor College of Medicine said of the drug's effect. She heads a nationwide research network funded by the National Institute on Aging that did an independent analysis of Lilly's results on the studies and presented them Monday at the conference.

Still, "you slow the decline" with the drug, she said.

Independent experts cautioned that the improvement was small, and needs to be verified in another study.

"I hate to get too enthusiastic ... there's a flicker of a signal" of benefit, but less than what some other once-promising treatments showed, said Dr. Sam Gandy, head of Alzheimer's disease research at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

Dr. Ronald Petersen, director of Alzheimer's research at the Mayo Clinic, called the drug's effect "subtle" and said it may mean just that "somebody remembers one extra word out of a 15-word list" without any real improvement in how well they live.

The drug, if ever approved, is likely to be expensive, and that means "we need more evidence" of its benefit to justify its use, Petersen said.

Encouragingly, solanezumab had few side effects. About 1 percent of people on the drug had some chest pain from reduced blood flow to the heart. There were few cases of worrisome brain swelling and small bleeding in the brain, an effect that caused concern with another experimental Alzheimer's drug, bapineuzumab by Pfizer Inc. and Johnson & Johnson's Janssen Alzheimer Immunotherapy unit.

That drug failed to help patients in two late-stage studies announced last month, but did show signs of hitting its target and clearing deposits from the brain.

The Lilly drug seems to be safer, and that is an advantage, said Dr. Norman Relkin, head of a memory disorders program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.

"There is some cause for encouragement here. It's not the magnitude we'd like to see" but certainly warrants further studies on the drug, he said.

Relkin heads testing of the third drug in late-stage development ? Gammagard, by Baxter International Inc. Results are expected early next year.

Meanwhile, Dr. Eric Siemers, senior medical director for Lilly, said the company will discuss its results and next steps with the Food and Drug Administration.

Lilly shares closed up $2.55, or 5.3 percent, to $50.78. During the day they peaked at $50.94, their highest price since April 2008. (This is also their highest closing price since that month.) The shares are up 19.8 percent since August 24.



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Monday, October 8, 2012

Beverage Carts and MorphCards At The TechTomorrow Startup Showcase (Video)

bevI'll stop by any startup showcase I can, but it's always a bonus when it happens to be local. Last week's TechTomorrow showcase, sponsored by TechColumbus?saw nearly 50 regional startups show off the results of their hard work ? here are just a few ideas and demos present at the event worth mentioning.


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Prenatal mercury exposure may be linked to risk of ADHD-related behaviors; Fish consumption may be linked to lower risk

ScienceDaily (Oct. 8, 2012) ? A study of children in the New Bedford, Mass., area suggests that low-level prenatal mercury exposure may be associated with a greater risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-related behaviors and that fish consumption during pregnancy may be associated with a lower risk of these behaviors, according to a report published Online First by Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, a JAMA Network publication.

ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood and affects 8 percent to 12 percent of children worldwide, although its cause is not well understood. The developmental neurotoxicity of mercury is known, but the findings from epidemiological studies are inconsistent with some studies showing associations between mercury exposure and ADHD-related behaviors and others reporting null associations, according to the study background.

Nonoccupational methylmercury exposure comes primarily from eating fish, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have recommended pregnant women limit their total fish intake to no more than two, six-ounce servings per week. However, fish is also a source of nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to benefit brain development, potentially confounding mercury-related risk estimates, the study background also indicates.

Sharon K. Sagiv, Ph.D., M.P.H., of the Boston University School of Public Health, and colleagues analyzed data from the New Bedford birth cohort, a group of infants born between 1993 and 1998, to investigate the association of peripartum maternal hair mercury levels (n=421) and prenatal fish intake (n=515) with ADHD-related behaviors at age 8 years.

"In this population-based prospective cohort study, hair mercury levels were consistently associated with ADHD-related behaviors, including inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity. We also found that higher prenatal fish consumption was protective for these behaviors," the authors comment.

Statistical analysis indicates mercury exposure appeared to be associated with inattention and impulsivity/hyperactivity and some outcomes had an apparent threshold with associations at 1 ?g/g (microgram/per gram) or greater of mercury. For example, at 1 ?g/g or greater, the adjusted risk ratios for mild/markedly atypical inattentive and impulsive/hyperactive behaviors were 1.4 and 1.7 respectively, according to the study results.

There also appeared to be a "protective" (lower risk) association for fish consumption of greater than two servings per week with ADHD-related behaviors, particularly impulsive/hyperactive behaviors (relative risk = 0.4), the study results show.

"In summary, these results suggest that prenatal mercury exposure is associated with a higher risk of ADHD-related behaviors, and fish consumption during pregnancy is associated with a lower risk of these behaviors," the authors conclude. "Although a single estimate combining these beneficial vs. detrimental effects vis-?-vis fish intake is not possible with these data, these findings are consistent with a growing literature showing risk of mercury exposure and benefits of maternal consumption of fish on fetal brain development and are important for informing dietary recommendations for pregnant women."

Editorial: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder a Preventable Epidemic?

In an editorial, Bruce P. Lanphear, M.D., M.P.H., of Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, writes: "The study by Sagiv et al, which tested whether prenatal exposure to methyl mercury was associated with the development of ADHD-related behaviors, is an important and rigorously conducted prospective birth cohort study."

"What are the implications of the Sagiv et al study and other research on environmental contaminants and ADHD? First, we can take some comfort in recent legislation to reduce mercury contamination, at least from domestic sources. Second, these studies should spur our efforts to enhance the collection of data needed to calculate national estimates and trends in ADHD," Lanphear continues.

"Third, it is time to convene a national scientific advisory panel to evaluate environmental influences of ADHD and make recommendations about what can be done to prevent it. Fourth, this study and a flurry of new evidence linking environmental contaminants with ADHD reinforce the urgency of revising the regulatory framework for environmental contaminants and toxicants," Lanphear concludes.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by JAMA and Archives Journals.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal References:

  1. Sagiv SK, Thurston SW, Bellinger DC, Amarasiriwardena C, Korrick SA. Prenatal Exposure to Mercury and Fish Consumption During Pregnancy and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder?Related Behavior in Children. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 2012; DOI: 10.1001/archpediatrics.2012.1286
  2. Lanphear BP. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Preventable Epidemic? Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 2012; DOI: 10.1001/archpediatrics.2012.1900

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Soda industry: Vending machines will show calories

This undated image provided by Coca-Cola shows a new soda vending machine the company announced Monday, Oct. 8, 2012, that they plan to roll out. The new vending machines are a response to the intensifying criticism over sugary sodas and will let customers see the calorie counts on selection buttons, and will urge consumers to choose less sugary alternatives with messages such as "Try a Low-Calorie Beverage." (AP Photo/Coca-Cola )

This undated image provided by Coca-Cola shows a new soda vending machine the company announced Monday, Oct. 8, 2012, that they plan to roll out. The new vending machines are a response to the intensifying criticism over sugary sodas and will let customers see the calorie counts on selection buttons, and will urge consumers to choose less sugary alternatives with messages such as "Try a Low-Calorie Beverage." (AP Photo/Coca-Cola )

This undated image provided by the American Beverage Association shows a new soda vending machine. Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Dr Pepper announced Monday, Oct. 8, 2012, that they'll roll out new vending machines as a response to the intensifying criticism over sugary sodas. The machines will let customers see the calorie counts on selection buttons, and will urge consumers to choose less sugary alternatives with messages such as "Try a Low-Calorie Beverage." (AP Photo/American Beverage Association)

(AP) ? As criticism of sugary sodas intensifies, Coke, Pepsi and Dr Pepper are rolling out new vending machines that will put calorie counts right at your fingertips.

The move comes ahead of a regulation that would require restaurant chains and vending machines to post the information as early as next year, although the specifics for complying with the requirement are still being worked out.

"They're seeing the writing on the wall and want to say that it's corporate responsibility," said Mike Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which advocates for food safety and nutrition.

Still, he noted that it was an important step forward. "Currently, people don't think about calories when they go up to a vending machine," he said. "Having the calories right on the button will help them make choices."

The American Beverage Association, which represents Coca-Cola Co., PepsiCo Inc. and Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc., said the calorie counts will be on the buttons people press to select a drink. Vending machines will also feature small decals, such as "Calories Count: Check Then Choose."

The vending machines will launch in Chicago and San Antonio municipal buildings in 2013 before appearing nationally.

Without providing specifics, the American Beverage Association said the machines will also boost the availability of lower- and zero-calorie drinks.

"We have market research that says consumers really like this ? they like choice, they like the ability to make choices," said Susan Neely, president of the industry group.

A mock-up of a new machine provided by Coca-Cola showed 20-ounce bottles of its flagship drink and Sprite inside vending machines, with labels on the buttons stating "240 calories."

The soda industry has been under fire for fueling rising obesity rates. Last month, New York City approved a first-in-the-nation plan to prohibit the sale of sugary drinks over 16 ounces in the city's restaurants, movie theaters and stadiums.

Notably, the beverage industry fought aggressively to fight the ban and hasn't ruled out taking legal action to stop it from taking effect this spring.

This November, voters in Richmond, Calif. will also decide whether to approve a penny-per-ounce tax on sugary drinks.

The decision to post calorie information follows the Supreme Court's decision this summer to uphold President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, which includes a regulation that would require restaurant chains and with more than 20 locations and vending operators with more than 20 machines to post calorie information.

McDonald's Corp. also announced last month that it would begin posting calorie information on its menus nationwide. Like the soda industry, the fast-food giant said it was a voluntary decision and not spurred by the pending requirement.

In addition to public health concerns, soft drink makers are dealing with shifting consumer habits. Soda consumption per person has been declining in the U.S. since 1998, according to the Beverage Digest. The decline is partly the result of the growing number of options such as flavored waters, bottled teas and sports drinks ? which Coke, Pepsi and Dr Pepper also make.

As a result, Coke, Pepsi and Dr Pepper are focusing on developing more diet drinks, as well as expanding into other drinks to reduce their reliance on sodas.

There is no timetable for when all vending machines will be converted. Coke, Pepsi and Dr Pepper often work with third-party operators to provide drinks in vending machines; Neely said the companies will work with those outside operators to convert all machines over time.

Vending machines account for about 13 percent of sales volume, a figure that has remained relatively unchanged in recent years, according to Beverage Digest.

Soda consumption is often identified for playing a role in rising obesity rates, although other factors such as a lack of physical activity and overeating also contribute.

Last month, the New England Journal of Medicine published a decades-long study of more than 33,000 Americans that showed sugary beverages interact with genes that affect weight, meaning they are especially harmful to people who are hereditarily predisposed to weight gain.

Bonnie Sashin, who works as a communications director for a nonprofit in Brookline, Mass., says she stays away from sugary drinks, limiting herself to a can of Diet Dr Pepper or Diet Coke about twice a month. But she thought the move to display calorie information on vending machines was a positive development.

"Anything that helps us be more educated about calories is a good thing," Sashin said.


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Associated Press


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The double life of country star Scotty McCreery

FILE - This April 1, 2012 file photo shows Scotty McCreery arriving at the 47th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas. The platinum-selling teen and former "American Idol" champ began his freshman year at North Carolina State University recently and he's managed to work out a schedule that allows him to balance his college education with his country music education. (AP Photo/Isaac Brekken, file)

FILE - This April 1, 2012 file photo shows Scotty McCreery arriving at the 47th Annual Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas. The platinum-selling teen and former "American Idol" champ began his freshman year at North Carolina State University recently and he's managed to work out a schedule that allows him to balance his college education with his country music education. (AP Photo/Isaac Brekken, file)

FILE - This March 30, 2012 file photo shows Scotty McCreery performing at a concert hosted by The Academy of Country Music at the ACM Fremont Street Experience in Las Vegas. The platinum-selling teen and former "American Idol" champ began his freshman year at North Carolina State University recently and he's managed to work out a schedule that allows him to balance his college education with his country music education. (AP Photo/Jeff Bottari, file)

(AP) ? As it turns out, Scotty McCreery can have it all.

The platinum-selling teen and former "American Idol" champ began his freshman year at North Carolina State University recently and he's managed to work out a schedule that allows him to balance his college education with his country music education.

"I made a 98 on my first math test," McCreery said. "I was pumped about that because math is not one of my best things."

It's not the first test McCreery has passed on his quick rise to fame, first winning Season 10 of "Idol," then becoming the youngest male to enter the Billboard 200 at No. 1. While the siren call of celebrity has had a strong pull, McCreery has said all along he also wants to maintain the normal life he'd been planning before he was swept away by "Idol."

That's why he chose N.C. State over a school closer to Nashville. He lives in an off-campus apartment in Raleigh with lifelong friends, just 15 or 20 minutes from his home in Garner and only an hour from Music City by plane. He goes to class on Mondays and Wednesdays, where he's mostly been left alone to study by courteous fellow students. Then he either joins the Brad Paisley tour on the road or works with producer Mark Bright on writing and assembling songs for his next album.

He's even managed to slip in intramural football on Tuesdays. Well, most Tuesdays.

"Going to State, it gives me a chance to have a little bit of a home base, to have a little bit of normalcy ? whatever normal is," McCreery said. "I think it's good for me as a person. I'm still figuring out what my normal is."

What isn't normal is the interest in McCreery by fans. His popularity is off the charts in the country music world where the average male star is usually in his 30s. McCreery doesn't turn 19 till later this month and there are signs everywhere that his popularity continues to grow. Billboard and Variety both just named him one of music's top young stars. And even his Christmas album, "Christmas with Scotty McCreery," due out next week, shows signs of unusually strong fan interest. It's Universal Music Group's top pre-order this year, outselling even Lady Gaga and Kanye West.

The goal now, McCreery says, is to lock in those fans, which requires him to seek a well-rounded education. Monday through Wednesday he's working on 12 credit hours toward his communications degree. Thursday through Sunday, it's all about learning the secrets of longevity in the country world.

About the only accolade McCreery doesn't have is a top 10 song at country radio, something he knows he'll need if he wants to be doing this at 40.

"We're still looking for songs because that's what the second album is about for me," McCreery said. "I'm going to be picking and choosing. Country music is about the songs. This last year I've had sold-out shows, I've won awards and stuff, but I haven't had that huge monster hit yet. That's a song I really need to have."




For the latest country music news from the Associated Press: Follow Music Writer Chris Talbott:

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Egypt's Mursi says falls short of goals, seeks to assuage critics

CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi said on Saturday he had fallen short of goals he promised to fulfill in his first 100 days in office, but aimed to assuage critics by highlighting his most prominent achievements.

Mursi, who hails from the Muslim Brotherhood, was handed power in June by the army council that ruled Egypt for 16 months following Hosni Mubarak's ouster in a popular uprising in 2011 and after a presidential election.

He spoke on Saturday before tens of thousands of Egyptians gathered at the Cairo stadium to mark the anniversary of Egypt's successful crossing of the Suez Canal in its October 1973 war against Israel.

"When election results were announced and I took up responsibility on June 30, I announced a clear programme," Mursi told the crowds, referring to a 100-day plan that broadly focused on issues of security, supply of energy and bread, street cleanliness, and traffic decongestion.

"What has been achieved is not enough of course, but what has been achieved by professional standards is about 70 percent of what we targetted during those 100 days."

Mursi said that among his government's main shortcomings was the ability to supply butane gas cylinders to Egyptians. Millions of home do not have natural gas piped into their homes.

The state currently sells butane cylinders at about 5 Egyptian pounds each as part of its energy subsidy programme. The actual cost of the cylinders is about 65 pounds.

"There is a 15 percent supply shortage that pains us all but there are reasons for this. We are not trying to escape responsibility," Mursi said, citing deep-rooted corruption in the country as one of the reasons for insufficient supplies.

Amongst his top achievements, however, Mursi stressed the interior ministry's work to step up security in the country, which had deteriorated after last year's uprising.

Seeking to ward off criticisms that he had placed foreign policy ahead of domestic affairs, Mursi said his travels to Addis Abbaba, Beijing, and New York among other destinations since his election were targetted at boosting the economy.

"We conducted 9 trips in 11 days. They brought the economy around $10 billion in the form of direct support as well as investment projects during a brief period," Mursi said.

Egypt is seeking to secure a $4.8 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund to plug an unmanageable budget deficit. Reducing state expenditure by targeting subsidies more toward the needy is seen as vital for receiving the loan.

Mursi told the crowds that he was not veering away from his Islamist principles by accepting the loan since Islamic law normally forbids paying of interest.

"Some are asking whether the loan is considered usury or not. I do not accept at all that Egyptians get fed off usury," Mursi said. "1.1 percent (interest rate), is this usury?"

Though the crowds cheered him, some criticised what they said was a populist speech aimed at concealing shortcomings.

"The government over-promised," said Sherif ElGhatrifi, head of an insurance firm. "There is little substance in what Mursi said, no clear messages he wants to give except excuses for not delivering. I do not feel any change on the streets."


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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Voter-Rights Groups Get a Lift From Wealthy Donors - The Giveaway ...

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Previous. ? Foundation Giving to Aid Black Males Rises Slightly, Report Says. Next ... William Louis-Dreyfus said in an advertisement in the online and print editions of Tuesday's New York Times that he would provide $1-million to help charities that are trying to challenge new state laws that limit access to the polls for those who lack identification. Mr. Louis-Dreyfus ... Tracking the intersection of politics and philanthropy ... Discussing the world of nonprofit finance ...


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