Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I have a question about a 6 month auto ... - Monthly Car Insurance

Q???t??n b? SAM: I h??? a q???t??n ?b??t a 6 month auto insurance policy?
I currently h??? a 6 month insurance ?n m? two cars th?t I h???. If I g? ?nd find another insurance th?t th? premium ?? lower, ??n I switch insurance companies? W??ld th?t g? against m?? D? I h??? t? wait until m? 6 months ?r? over t? ?t?rt looking around?

Best ?n?w?r:

An?w?r b? spalmer
Yes, ??? ??n switch insurance companies. Once ??? h??? n?w coverage, n?t?f? ???r ?ld insurance company. Eventually, ????ll receive a refund ?f th? money ??? paid f?r th? ??rt??n ?f th? policy th?t ??? didn?t ???. F?r example, ?f ??? paid $ 600 f?r a 6 month policy ?nd ??? switched companies ?ft?r 4 months? ????ll receive $ 200 back (two months ?f th? policy). Don?t forget t? n?t?f? th? BMV th?t ???r coverage h?? changed, ?nd don?t forget th?t wh?n ??? switch providers, ?t ?ft?n shows ?? a lapse ?n insurance coverage (even ?f n? lapse h?? occurred). Th?? isn?t a problem, unless ????re ?n a city w?th a lot ?f parking patrol? tickets, cars getting towed ?r impounded, etc.

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