Monday, July 29, 2013

Begala: GOP 'Neanderthals Fighting with Cro-Magnons'

28 Jul 2013, 12:06 PM PDT post a comment

Begala gloated, "I checked, party identification ? the percentage of Americans who call themselves Republicans ? all-time low, lower than Watergate, only 21 percent say that they?re Republicans today. That?s a catastrophe."

"Usually when you become more extreme," he continued, "more left in my party, more right in the Republicans? ? you at least get some cohesion. Here you have a much more conservative party than 20 years ago and a much more fractured party."

Begala concluded, "The Neanderthals are fighting with Cro-Magnons, the neoliths hate the paleoliths. It?s great. I love it as a Democrat."


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